Newsletter April 2024: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

Newsletter April 2024: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

SG News: Our ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity is delighted to announce that:

Our ECPR Online Seminar Series in Migration and Ethnicity continues to showcase the latest research in our field! Our next session will take place on 24 April 2024 with Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero (Autonomous University of Madrid) where he will present his research on ‘Special Representation of Citizens Living Abroad: A Global Comparison’.


SG Members’ News on Projects and Activities:

Scientific workshop onMigrants in key sectors and in public opinion” May 22, 2024. Eurac Research, Bozen-Bolzano.

CfP International Conference Political and economic self-constitution: Migration, inequalities and discrimination”, 7-8 June 2024 (Hybrid). University of the Peloponnese, Corinth. Deadline for paper submission: 15 May 2024.

CfP Workshop on Migration, Care and Digitalization Workshop”, 1-2 July 2024. University of Cologne, Cologne. Deadline for abstract: 12 April 2024.


New Publications from SG Members (2024)

Abramson, Y. (2024). Securitizing the nation beyond the state: diasporas as threats, victims, and assetsEuropean Journal of International Relations30(1), 78-103.

Abramson, Y., Menon, A., & Gitlin, A. (2024). Whose critique matters? The effects of critic identity and audience on public opinionAmerican Journal of Political Science.

Bialas, U. (2023). Forever 17: Coming of Age in the German Asylum System. University of Chicago Press.

Boldrini, M. (2024). Political Professionalization Beyond National Borders: An Analysis of Italian MPs in Overseas Constituencies. Politics & Governance, 12.

Borrelli, L. M., & Ruedin, D. (2024). Towards a precise and reflexive use of migration-related terminology in quantitative research: criticism and suggestionsComparative Migration Studies12(1), 10.

Bozhinoska Lazarova, M., Saalfeld, T., & Seifert, O. (2024). What Does It Take for Immigrants to Join Political Parties? Politics & Governance, 12.

Broberg, N., Gonnot, J., Poeschel, F., & Ruhs, M. (2024). Essential Work, Migrant Labour: What Explains Migrant Employment in European Key Sectors?.

Brumat, Leiza and Luisa Feline Freier (2023). Gobernanza de las migraciones y regionalismo formal e informal en Suramérica. In Álvarez, María Victoria and Saldaña, Virginia (eds). Democracia, Economía, Migraciones y Salud: oportunidades y desafíos para América Latina y la Unión Europea en el siglo XXI, Colección GRIDALE. Bogotá: Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, pp. 105-138.

Brunarska Z., Piekut A., Toruńczyk-Ruiz S. (2024) Attitudes toward immigration. In: Report from the Central European Social Survey in 2021-2022, pp. 3-6. 

Brunarska, Z., & Ivlevs, A. (2024). Does exposure to books foster a taste for spatial mobility? Home library size in childhood and adult migration intentionsMigration Studies.

Carlaw, J. (2024). Time running out for more inclusive policies? ‘Pathways’ Debates and Demands for Access to Permanent Immigration Status in Canada. Migration Policy Centre Blog, Robert Schuman Centre for Advances Studies, European University Institute.

Deniz, A. (2024). From the “Republic of Cousins” to foreign spouses: Transnational marriages in TürkiyeSociology Compass18(1), e13165.

Deniz, A., & Özgür, E. M. (2024). Transformation of marriage migrants to diasporic actors and rethinking female agency: Ukrainian women in Türkiye. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 1-28.

Dupont, P. L., Sealy, T., & Modood, T. (2023). The relation between multiculturalism, interculturalism and cosmopolitanism in UK diversity politics. Identities, 30(6), 785–804.

Finn, V. & Ramaciotti, J.P. (2024). Reject, Reject, Reject…Passed! Explaining a Latecomer of Emigrant Enfranchisement. Politics & Governance, 12.

Fontana, I., & Rosina, M. (2024). The Tools of External Migration Policy in the EU Member States: The Case of ItalyJCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies.

Fossum, J. E., Kastoryano, R., Modood, T., & Zapata-Barrero, R. (2024). Governing diversity in the multilevel European public space. Ethnicities, 24(1), 3-30.

Gherghina, S. & Basarabă, A. (2024). Migrants’ Voter Turnout in the Home Country Elections: Non‐Integration or Political Anchor? Politics & Governance, 12.

Grossman, J. (2024). The evolution of home‐state positions towards diaspora formation: Israel and its two diasporas. Global Networks, e12481.

Grossman, J. (2024). The evolution of home‐state positions towards diaspora formation: Israel and its two diasporas. Global Networks, e12481.

Heys, A., & Niezna, M. (2024). The non-punishment principle and its implementation in the UK. The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights Report (1/2024)

Irabor, P. (2023). Response of the European Union on Return Directive and Readmission Agreements (RDRAs) on Nigerian Irregular MigrantsRocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (17), 257-281.

Irgil, E., & Norman, K. P. (2024). Assessing the domestic political impacts of Turkey’s refugee commodificationJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-17.

Kelbel, C., Gouard, D., von Nostitz, F. & Lombard, M. (2024). Electoral Participation of Non‐National EU Citizens in France: The Case of the Nord. Politics & Governance, 12.

Laube, L., & Ullrich, M. (2023). Search and rescue NGOs as a focal point in debates on the reception of refugees in the EU: Research essay on an Italian and German case studyCulture, Practice & Europeanization8(2), 166-182.

Modood, T. (2023), Multiculturalism. IPPR Progressive Review, 30: 77-83.

Niezna, M. (2023). Consent to Labour Exploitation. Industrial Law Journal53(1), 3-33.

Pacześniak, A. & Wincławska, M. (2024). Migrants’ Political Participation and Representation in Poland: What Do Political Parties Have to Offer? Politics & Governance, 12.

Panebianco, S., & Cannata, G. (2024). The Mobility-Democracy Nexus Betrayed: When the European Commission’s Talks Fall Apart in the MediterraneanEuropean Foreign Affairs Review29(1).

Pettrachin, A., & Hadj Abdou, L. (2024). Beyond evidence-based policymaking? Exploring knowledge formation and source effects in US migration policymaking. Policy Sciences, 1-26.

Piccoli, L., & Perna, R. (2024). Civil society organisations and the healthcare of irregular migrants: the humanitarianism-equity dilemmaComparative Migration Studies12(1), 20.

Piccoli, L., Gianni, M., Ruedin, D., Achermann, C., Dahinden, J., Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, P., Nedelcu, M., & Zittoun, T. (2024). What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human MovementSociology0(0).

Rosina, M. (2023). Migration and soft power: the EU’s visa and refugee policy response to the war in UkrainePolicy Studies, 1-19.

Schmid, L. (2024). Responding to unauthorized residence: on a dilemma between ‘firewalls’ and ‘regularizations’. Comparative Migration Studies12(1), 1-18.

Sealy, T., Dupont, P.-L., & Modood, T. (2024). Difference and diversity: Combining multiculturalist and interculturalist approaches to integration. The Sociological Review, 0(0).

Soare, S. & Gherghina, S. (2024). The Political Participation and Representation of Migrants: An Overview. Politics & Governance, 12.

Soare, S. (2024). Investigating Party Abroad: Party Origins and Degrees of Formalization. Politics & Governance, 12.

Thorsten, S., Schammann, H. & Münch, S. (2023): An den Grenzen? Ausländerbehörden zwischen Anspruch und Alltag. Expertise im Auftrag der Bertelsmann-Stiftung

Tomaselli, A. (2024). An Intersectional Analysis of Precarity and Exploitation: Women and LGBTQIA+ Workers in Substate Neoliberal Systems. Social Inclusion, 12.

Tramountanis, A. (2023). A Decade of Greek Immigration and Asylum Policy (2015-2024): A Balancing Act of EU Participation, Humanitarian Obligations, and Security Concerns. Brown Journal of World Affairs. 30(1).

Umpierrez de Reguero, S., & Navia, P. (2024). Why Do Non‐Resident Citizens Get Elected? Candidates’ Electoral Success in Ecuadorian Extraterritorial Districts. Politics & Governance, 12.

Vintila, D., Pérez-Nievas, S., Paradés, M. & Pamies, C. (2024). Diversity in Spanish Politics? Dynamics of Descriptive Representation of Immigrant‐Origin Minorities in Local Elections. Politics & Governance, 12.

Westerveen, L. (2024). Ethno-racial (in)equality: a typology of employment policy frames in Belgium. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies50(6), 1371–1389.

Yener-Roderburg, I.O. & Örsan Yetiş, E. (2024). Building Party Support Abroad: Turkish Diaspora Organisations in Germany and the UK. Politics & Governance, 12.

Zogu, G. & Schönthaler, S. (2024). Selective Inclusion? Insights Into Political Parties’ Recruitment of Immigrant Background Candidates in Bolzano. Politics & Governance, 12.


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