Latvian Society for the Study of Religion 2nd International Scientific Conference
Youth, Religion and Politics
16-17 October, 2014
Riga, Latvia
The Latvian Society for the Study of Religions in cooperation with the University of Latvia and Daugavpils University announces the international scientific conference “Between East and West: Youth, Religion and Politics”. We welcome both junior and senior scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines and fields which highlight interconnection between youth, religion and politics. Papers could include different epistemologies, varying theoretical backgrounds, qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and a wide range of empirical data.
Suggestions for contributions include but are not limited to:
– Theoretical and methodological issues relating to intersections between religious studies and youth studies
– Role of religion in shaping political understandings of youth
– Religiously inspired political activity of young people
– Sacralisation of the youth cultures
– Youth and religiosity
– Youth in searching for new models of religion
– Dynamics of religious radicalization/universalization of young people
– “Youth religion” as a distinct religious consciousness
– Political discourses of “youth religion”
Presentation should last 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion.
Papers are invited in English.
Important dates:
Submission of proposals -June 1, 2014
Notification of acceptance -June 15, 2014 Publication of the program – September 15, 2014
If you have questions concerning the academic program or the general organization of the conference, please contact the Latvian Society for the Study of Religions by mail: