Call for papers: “New Perspectives on Religion and Politics” (ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, 26-28 August 2020)

Call for papers: “New Perspectives on Religion and Politics

Convened by Luca Ozzano, University of Turin,

ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, 26-28 August 2020

Section on “Religion and Politics Across Boundaries

Please send by email an abstract of up to 300 words to the convenor by 17 February 2020.


In the framework of the section on “Religion and Politics across Boundaries”, which aims at exploring the state of the art of the current research on religion and politics, this panel will be focused on new perspectives of research, able to cast a different light on the field. This is particularly relevant in a moment marked – despite ongoing secularization processes – by a new or renewed role of religion in fields previously regarded as secular, at the national and the international levels; by a growing relevance of new types of religiously oriented actors, such as right-wing populist parties; and by a new role of religion in social and political organization and activism, for example in community organizing projects. The panel welcomes papers inspired by different approaches and methodologies, and cutting across different political science sub-disciplines, both analyzing theoretical issues, and focusing on cases studies.

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