The EJPG Best Article Award is awarded annually to the best article published in the European Journal of Politics and Gender in the previous year.

EJPG is pleased to announce that the 2021 Best Article Award has been awarded to: Dr Lucie Fremlova for her article ‘LGBTIQ Roma and queer intersectionalities: the lived experiences of LGBTIQ Roma’, published in EJPG Volume 3, Number 3, 2020. As a reward, the article has been made Free Access. The prize is normally awarded at the European Conference on Politics and Gender.

The judges congratulate Dr Lucie Fremlova on the well-deserved award. All judges felt that Dr Fremlova should be commended for gaining the trust of such a hard-to-reach group as the Roma community. The paper includes a plethora of engaging, convincing, and nuanced findings that show both the difficulties and the opportunities LGBTIQ people have in the Roma community. The judges particularly enjoyed the article’s findings on the role of status, and the opportunities being a role model in the community presents to LGBTIQ people. Finally, the judges compliment Dr Fremlova for her clarity and transparency in describing her methods and results, including her own positionality.

The award winning article can be read here.