Call for Papers and Panels: Section “Evaluating Policies of Immigrant Integration and Their Outcomes”, 2018 ECPR General Conference

Call for Panels and Papers: Section on “Evaluating Policies of Immigrant Integration and Their Outcomes” chaired by Dr Daniela Vintila and Dr Filippo Dionigi at the next ECPR General Conference in Hamburg: Submit your proposals by 15 February 2018 (midnight GMT)

Abstract: During the last decades, the integration of migrants and their offspring in home and host countries has become an increasingly salient topic not only in political discourses, but also at the societal level. Consequently, the necessity of ensuring an efficient migration governance and diversity management has progressively entered the agenda of local, national, and supranational political actors.

This Section aims to provide a critical analysis of the design, implementation, outcomes and outputs of policies targeting migrant populations in Europe and beyond. The Section closely examines the complexities of immigrant integration policies from a multilevel perspective, by paying attention to how this topic is addressed at the local, regional, and international levels. Scholars contributing to this Section will analyze the recent transformations of immigrant integration policies with the aim of identifying their dynamics of convergence and divergence, critically assessing their effectiveness, investigating their consequences, and facilitating the understanding of the role of social and political actors which can facilitate/hinder the implementation of integration policies. Furthermore, the Section also addresses the multidimensional nature of these policies that cuts across a multitude of phenomena and perspectives from political, social, cultural and economic angles around which broader empirical studies and theoretical considerations are offered in order to provide a comprehensive study of this subject.

The Section will bring together a diverse but consistent array of migration scholars whose contributions aim to:
• facilitate the dissemination of new empirical research on immigrant integration policies;
• promote the comparative study of these policies on different levels of governance and across countries;
• encourage revisiting existing theories and putting forward new theoretical considerations;
• provide a critical assessment of the social, political, cultural and economic implications of immigrants’ integration in home and host countries.

The Section will consist of eight Panels coordinated by migration scholars from more than ten European universities.

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