Newsletter April 2023: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

Newsletter April 2023: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

SG News: Our ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity is delighted to announce that:

  • “International Migration: Actors, Policies, and Practices’’ will include 19 panels on different topics related to migration governance and migrants’ inclusion. The Section will be coordinated by Roberta Perna (Complutense University of Madrid) and Verena Wisthaler (European Academy of Bolzano).
  • Hybrid Workshop ‘‘How to do migration research’’ that we organized on 13 & 14 April 2023 together with GRITIM and the Department of Social and Political Science of Universitat Pompeu Fabra was a huge success! The event gathered over 100 on-site and online participants who joined two days of expert-led session focused on methodological training in migration research.
  • ECPR Online Seminar Series in Migration and Ethnicity continues to showcase the latest research in our field! Our last webinar (with Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Karolina Łukasiewicz and Marta Pachocka as invited guests) focused on the governance of forced migration and the multilevel response to the 2022 arrival of forced migrants from Ukraine to Poland. Our next session will take place on 24 May 2023, with Engin Isin (Queen Mary University of London & University of London Institute in Paris) presenting his latest work on ‘The conditions of planetary citizenship’.


Eurac Research is looking for postdoctoral researchers willing to apply for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship. Deadline for applications: 25 April 2023.

The Swiss Forum for Migration Studies seeks apost-doctoral researcher. Deadline for applications: 30 April 2023.

The University of Genova is seeking post-doctoral applicants for the MIG-AGE project.  

SG Members’ News on Projects and Activities:

CfP International Research Workshop The Political Representation and Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities: Eastern Europe in a Broader Context”, 5-7 June 2023, Södertörn University, Stockholm. Deadline for applications: 25 April 2023.

1 Day (Hybrid) Workshop by Eurac Research-URV on ‘‘Excluded spaces: Gender, identity, and inequalities’’ will be held on 08 June 2023 and invites listeners at all career levels to discuss their daily working experiences with or as women, migrants, ethnic minorities and LGBTIAQ+ individuals. For details, please contact by 30 April 2023.

Hybrid Conference by Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Toronto Metropolitan University on ‘‘‘Narratives of Migration: Between Politics and Policies’’, 10-11 May 2023.

Book Launch of Prof. Virginia Mantouvalou- book ‘‘Structural Injustice and Workers’ Rights (Oxford Labour Law)’’, 24 May 2023, Oxford & online

BROAD-ER International Summer School at KoC University (Turkey) in cooperation with University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) will host the Summer School ‘‘Istanbul Cities and International Migration: Themes, Concepts, and Approaches’’, 17-28 July 2023.

CfA: MANCEPT Workshop at the University of Manchester, 11-13 September 2023, invites abstracts on the theme “New Perspectives on the Political Theory of Migration’’. For more info, contact Lukas Schmid,

CfP: SISP General Conference in Genoa, (Italian Political Science Association), 14-16 September 2023, invites papers and abstracts for the panel ‘‘The asylum crises as catalysts for change: Policy innovation in subnational migrant reception and integration in Italy and Southern Europe’’.Email the abstract to the panel chairs Tiziana Caponio (University of Turin; and Andrea Pettrachin (University Collegio Carlo Alberto; by 31 May 2023.

Online Course for teachers and general audience: As part of the EC financed project Shared Journeys, Estonian NGO Mondo and Mari-Liis Jakobson (Tallinn University) developed an online course on migration for school teachers and the general audience. The course consists of video lectures, written materials and infographics.

New Publications from SG Members (2023)

Abdelhady, D., & Norocel, O. C. (2023). Re-Envisioning Immigrant Integration: Toward Multidirectional Conceptual Flows. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1-13.

Allen, W. L., Ahlstrom-Vij, K., Rolfe, H., & Runge, J. (2023). Communicating Economic Evidence About Immigration Changes Attitudes and Policy Preferences. International Migration Review.

Almasri, S. (2023). Why is Syria a War but Not Afghanistan? Nationality-based Aid and Protection in Turkey’s Syria Refugee Response. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 42(1), 29-54.

Altman, D., Huertas-Hernández, S., & Sánchez, C. T. (2023). Two paths towards the exceptional extension of national voting rights to non-citizen residents. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Auer, D., Ruedin, D., & Van Belle, E. (2023). No sign of increased ethnic discrimination during a crisis: evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic. Socio-Economic Review.

Caponio, T., & Pettrachin, A. (2023). Modes of Migration City Network Mobilization in the EU and US Multilevel Institutional Systems: International Migration Review.

Cappelen, C. W., Sicakkan, H. G., & Van Wolleghem, P. G. (2023). The trade-off between admitting and paying: Experimental evidence on attitudes towards asylum responsibility-sharing. European Union Politics.

Dodevska, Iva. (2023). The genealogy of integrationism: Ideational foundations of the politics of immigrant integration. Frontiers in Political Science.

Finn, V (2023). Enfranchising Migrants in Chile: A Century of Politics, Elites, and Regime Changes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Hammoud-Gallego, O., & Freier, L. F. (2023). Symbolic Refugee Protection: Explaining Latin America’s Liberal Refugee Laws. American Political Science Review, 117(2), 454-473.

Hunter, A., & McCallum Guiney, F. (2023). Misrecognised as Muslim: the racialisation of Christians of Middle Eastern heritage in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-19.

Jakobson, Mari-Liis; King, Russell; Morosanu, Laura; Vetik, Raivo (2023) (eds.). Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times. Springer. (IMISCOE Research Series).

Jaroszewicz, M., & Grzymski, J. (2023). Securitization in the Shadow of Armed Conflict: The Internal Othering and Electoral Rights of IDPs in Ukraine. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 56(1), 1-22.

Kazlou, A., & Urban, S. (2023). Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs. International Migration, 61(2).

Lutz, P. (2023). Allowing mobility and preventing migration? The combination of entry and stay in immigration policies. West European Politics.

Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2023). La culture face à l’urgence sanitaire liée au Covid-19 à Bruxelles. 978-2-88351-115-6. In F. Gamba, S. Cattacin & N. Viana Alzola (Eds.), Ville et créativité

Müller, K., Blommaert, L., Savelkoul, M., Lubbers, M., & Scheepers, P. (2023). Political Elite Discourses and Majority Members’ Beliefs About the Prevalence of Ethnic Discrimination in Europe. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 35(2).

Natter, K. (2022) (Ed). The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States. Cambridge University Press.

Ozasir‐Kacar, S., & Essers, C. (2023). The regulatory environment for migrant and women entrepreneurs. International Migration, 61(2).

Pettrachin, A. (2023). The politics of multi-level migration policymaking: a network-centered perspective. Policy Studies, 1-24.

Samers, M. (2023). Do welfare policies matter for immigrant entrepreneurship? An analysis in the context of France. International Migration, 61(2).

Solano, G. (2023). A level playing field for migrant entrepreneurs? The legal and policy landscape across EU and OECD countries. International Migration, 61(2).

Solano, G., Ram, M., & Rath, J. (eds). (2023). Regulation of migrant entrepreneurship: The strained conjunction of laws, policies and practices. International Migration, 61(2): 1-122.

Stanek, M., Konstantinidou, A., & Vianello, F. A. (2023). Migration Dynamics in Southern Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. In (Carlos A.Calderón & Andrea Veglis Eds), Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe beyond the News Stories: Photographs, Hate, and Journalists’ Perceptions.

Superti, C. (2023). A foot in both countries: the effect of origin-country enfranchisement on migrants’ political interest and partisanship. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Umpierrez de Reguero, S. (2023). Enacted but neither regulated nor applied: exploring emigrant enfranchisement in deviant cases. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Umpierrez De Reguero, S. U., & Jakobson, M. L. (2023). Explaining support for populists among external voters: between home and host Country. European Political Science, 22(1), 119-142.

Umpierrez de Reguero, S., & Finn, V. (2023). Migrants’ intention to vote in two countries, one country, or neither. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 1-24.

Umpierrez de Reguero, S., Finn, V., & Peltoniemi, J. (2023). Missing links in migrant enfranchisement studies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-27.

Umpierrez de Reguero, S., & Peltoniemi, J. (2023). Introduction: Non-residents’ participation in the homeland arena from a European perspective. European Political Science, 22(1), 1-9.

Vintila, D., Pamies, C. & Paradés, M. Electoral (non)alignment between resident and non-resident voters: evidence from Spain. European Political Science, 22 (1), 63–82

Wegschaider, K. (2023). The challenge of low visibility: immigrant activism toward enfranchisement. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-20

Wellman, E. I. (2023). Refugee status as a patronage good? The interaction of transnational party mobilization and migration policy in the global south. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Wisthaler, V. (2023). Migrants, New Citizens, Co-Citizens and Citizens by Adoption–Regionalist Parties’ Framing of Immigrants in the Basque Country, Corsica, South Tyrol, Scotland and Wales. In Revising the Integration-Citizenship Nexus in Europe: Sites, Policies, and Bureaucracies of Belonging (pp. 91-109). Cham: Springer International Publishing

Wyn Edwards, C. & Wisthaler, V. (2023). The power of symbolic sanctuary: Insights from Wales on the limitations and potential of a regional approach to sanctuary. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Click here for previous publications of SG members.

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