Call for papers

Calls for papers on religion and politics.

Cfp: SISP Conference – Panels on Religion and Politics

XVIII SISP ANNUAL CONFERENCE UNIVERSITY OF PERUGIA – Department of Political Science – UNIVERSITY FOR FOREIGNERS OF PERUGIA – Department of Human and Social Studies 11 – 13 September 2014 Deadline for paper proposals: 15 May 2014 Panels on Religion and Politics: 1) Religion and Political Parties (Luca Ozzano and Massimiliano Livi) 2) Religion Cfp: SISP Conference – Panels on Religion and Politics

Cfp: Addressing the Asylum Crisis

CALL FOR PAPERS: Addressing the Asylum Crisis: Religious Contributions to Rethinking Protection in Global Politics A British Council-sponsored workshop (Bridging Voices program) University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies, Brussels, 26th and 27th of June 2014 Deadline for abstract submission (250 words max): April 24, 2014 Convenors: Luca Mavelli (Kent) and Erin Wilson (Groningen) Cfp: Addressing the Asylum Crisis

Cfp: Between East and West – Youth, Religion and Politics

Latvian Society for the Study of Religion 2nd International Scientific Conference BETWEEN EAST AND WEST: Youth, Religion and Politics 16-17 October, 2014 Riga, Latvia CALL FOR PAPERS The Latvian Society for the Study of Religions in cooperation with the University of Latvia and Daugavpils University announces the international scientific conference “Between East and West: Youth, Cfp: Between East and West – Youth, Religion and Politics

Conference: Explaining Nonreligion and Secularity in the US and beyond

NONRELIGION AND SECULARITY RESEARCH NETWORK 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Call for Papers| 19-20 November 2014, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA EXPLAINING NONRELIGION AND SECULARITY IN THE U.S. AND BEYOND Conveners: Ryan Cragun (, Christel Manning (, and Phil Zuckerman ( Keynote speakers: Professor Darren Sherkat (Sociology, Southern Illinois University) Professor Lori Beaman (Classics and Religious Studies, University Conference: Explaining Nonreligion and Secularity in the US and beyond

Cfp: Rethinking Political Catholicism

Call for Papers – Rethinking Political Catholicism: Empirical and Normative Perspectives Rethinking Political Catholicism International Conference John Cabot University Rome, May 22-23, 2014 Call for Papers Although the study of religion and politics has blossomed over the past decade, the normative debates over the appropriate place of religion in modern democracies often remain divorced from Cfp: Rethinking Political Catholicism

ECPR Graduate Student Conference

Call for Panels and Papers ECPR Graduate Student Conference More Panels added to Find a Friend. Check here to see if you have a Paper that would fit. Or – email Anna Foley ( if you have an idea for a Panel and need more Papers. Deadline for the submission of all Papers and Panels ECPR Graduate Student Conference

Cfp: ‘New Approaches to the Study of Religion and Peace’

Proposals are invited for 20-minute papers for the panel on ‘New Approaches to the Study of Religion and Peace’ to be presented at the Joint conference of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion (NGG) and the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), also ranked as special conference of the International Association Cfp: ‘New Approaches to the Study of Religion and Peace’