Ninth Summer School on Interest Group Politics | July 18 – July 25, 2018

Interest Groups’ Representation of Public Opinion and the Representation of both Public and Interest Groups in Setting the Policy Agendas of Governments


The ninth annual ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics is an eight-day intensive workshop held at the University of Exeter in southwest England. The school will provide graduate students with a firm understanding of the development, mobilization, agenda-setting role, advocacy efforts, and political success of interest groups and those that lobby for them.

Registration is on a first come, first served basis. The £660.00 fee covers seven days of tuition, lunches and single occupancy en-suite accommodation with breakfast (and fantastic view) for nine nights, arriving Tuesday 17th July. Exeter students or those who do not require accommodation pay £400.00 for seven days of tuition and lunches. Accommodation must be booked as a package at the time of registration and cannot added at a later date.

See for more information, contacts, and application: Summer School’s site on the University of Exeter webpages

Registration Deadline: May 21, 2018.