
The key objective of the Standing Group on Interest Groups is to facilitate a forward-looking cumulative research program and research network on interest groups. One of our major aims is to stimulate the exchange of research practices within this area.

What is the Standing Group on Interest Groups?

In contrast to other areas of political science research, there are currently very few cross-national research projects that aim to develop a cumulative body of knowledge. We are convinced that a more systematic effort in bringing together scholars in this field is needed in order to address the fragmentation that currently characterizes this field.

In recent years, many young academics have started to conduct research projects that make use of generic theoretical frameworks and that are more systematic in nature. The Standing Group on Interest Groups aims to support these efforts by providing a platform to exchange expertise on research topics, methods, and best practice with regard to teaching and researching interest groups.

Major research themes addressed by members of the Standing Group include:

  • interest group populations
  • group strategies and lobbying
  • interest groups and multi-level governance
  • political influence
  • internal organizational dynamics.

Types of Activities

  • Facilitate communication and coordination among interest group scholars through the group’s website and through our mailing list. To subscribe to the mailing list, you can register here: https://listserv.uni-stuttgart.de/mailman/listinfo/ecpr-interest-groups.
  • Facilitate workshops and meetings in order to prepare research grant proposals
  • Coordinate the submission of panels and workshops at conferences
  • Exchange expertise on teaching and supervision of postgraduate dissertations
  • Organize an annual Summer School