Only few days left to submit your paper proposals for the Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes”- 2019 ECPR General Conference

Only few days left to submit your paper proposals for the Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes” endorsed by our Standing Group for the 2019 ECPR General Conference:

The Section is coordinated by Daniela Vintila ( and Gerasimos Tsourapas ( It includes 8 panels:

Panel 1: Migration, Foreign Policy, and Diplomacy (coordinated by Gerasimos Tsourapas and Fiona Adamson)

Panel 2: Migration and Electoral Politics in Europe and Beyond (coordinated by Daniela Vintila)

Panel 3: Migration Policies of Origin States (coordinated by Evelyn Ersanilli)

Panel 4: How to Measure Migration Policies? Bridging Different Methodological Approaches (coordinated by Luicy Pedroza)

Panel 5: International Mobility and Welfare (coordinated by Angeliki Konstantinidou and Roberta Perna)

Panel 6: From global problems to local solutions: multidisciplinary perspectives on the “refugee crisis” (coordinated by Amanda da Silva and Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena)

Panel 7: International Migration Governance (coordinated by Filippo Dionigi)

Panel 8: Public attitudes and forms of mobilization concerning asylum seekers and refugees (coordinated by Alessandro Mazzola and Andrea Rea)

Should you want to propose a paper for any of these panels, please feel free to contact the panel chairs or the section chairs. The deadline to submit complete Panels (with Papers) and individual Paper proposals is 18 February 2019 (midnight UK time).

Best wishes,

Daniela Vintila, Filippo Dionigi, and David Siroky

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