Newsletter September 2020: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

Newsletter September 2020: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

Thank you to all SG participants at the ECPR General Conference! TheMigration and Ethnicity SG endorsed Section S35 “International Migration Policies and Politics: Current Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou, hugely successful with 15 panels. Thanks also to the members who joined us at the SG Business Meeting (minutes here)

Call for Contributions: Migration Politics Colloquium MIGRAKOLLOQ, 13 November 2020, online

  • Looking for PhD researchers, early-stage post-docs, master students writing theses in migration politics to present at an online colloquium (free of charge; attendees also welcome)
  • Apply by sending your name, home institution, research project topic, presentation topic, and abstract (max. 300 words) to Alexandra Berger,
  • Deadline: 16 October 2020     

Special Issue: Acts and Lived Experiences of Citizenship among “Second-Generation” Youth  

  • Looking for original empirical and theoretical paperson the acts and lived experiences of citizenship among second-generation youth (18-35 years old) in and across Europe (Special Issue will be submitted to Ethnicities for consideration)
  • Apply w/ an abstract (300 words + bibliography) to the Guest Editors: Giulia Mezzetti (, Veronica Riniolo (, Mari Toivanen (
  • Deadline: 1 October 2020

Research Stay: Short Term Scientific Missions with COST Action 16111-Ethmigsurveydata

  • Looking for applications for funding for research stays (min. 5 days) for researchers to undertake work (completed before 15 April 2021) related to quantitative survey data on ethnic and migrant minorities
  • Questions? Contact Brynja Dis,
  • Deadline: 15 March 2021

Opening: PhD position (80%–100%) on social policy, University of Lausanne

  • Looking for applicants with master’s degree in Sociology, Political Science, or a related field; data analysis skills; English fluency; proficiency in French is an asset
  • Will work on social inequality related to the integration of immigrants in the labor market or the educational system, within the Research Unit “Inequality and Integration”
  • Apply on the recruitment website, job number 16428; start date: 1 December 2020
  • Questions? Email Asst. Prof. Dr. Flavia Fossati,
  • Deadline: 30 September 2020 

SG Member News on Projects: Education, Political Efficacy and Informed Citizenship (EPIC) project (2019–2023), Academy of Finland-funded project on how political efficacy of young people develops as an interaction of civic education and socioeconomic background. EPIC is a multidisciplinary project of the University of Tampere and collaborators at the University of Turku, the National Institute of Health and Welfare, the Finnish Youth Research Society, and Åbo Akademi.

The Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) of the University of Liège is happy to announce the launch of its new website.  

Join the Inaugural Workshop of the IMISCOE Standing Committee Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation (MIGCITPOL). The event will he held online with different sessions:

  • 01/10/2020: Keynote Marco Martiniello- “New Forms of Anti-Racist Mobilisation and Participatory Citizenship”
  • 05/10/2020: Panel 1 “Access to Rights and Citizenship: Policies and Effects”, chaired by Daniela Vintila. Speakers: Daniela Vintila, Jean-Michel Lafleur, Floris Peters, Maarten Vink, Swantje Falcke
  • 12/10/2020: Panel 2 “Linking and Configuring Migration-Related Policies: Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses”, chaired by Jean-Thomas Arrighi. Speakers: Luicy Pedroza, Pau Palop, So Young Chang, Philipp Lutz, Samuel D. Schmid
  • 19/10/2020: Panel 3 “Asylum seekers and Regulars versus Irregulars: Criminalisation and Classification”, chaired by Luicy Pedroza. Speakers: Matilde Rosina, Nadia El Amri, Ulrike Bialas
  • 26/10/2020: Panel 4 “Experiencing the In-Between: EU Citizens in Germany, Dubliners in the EU, and Immigrants in Turkey”, chaired by Ana Margheritis. Speakers: Nora Ratzmanm, Fatih Tuna, Tom Montel

EMM Survey Registry, COST Action 16111-Ethmigsurveydata, with SSHOC andFAIRETHMIGQUANT, launched the beta version of its EMM Survey Registry—a free online tool about quantitative surveys with ethnic and migrant minorities. Join their,SSHOC webinar on 26 October 2020 for a registry tutorial and consult the Ethmigsurveydatareport for a methodological overview and analysis.

The H2020 project PROTECT launched in February 2020 studies the impact of the UN’s Global Compacts on Migrants and Refugees on the right to international protection. The consortium has9 partner universities from 11 countries, led by the University of Bergen, Norway. Comments? Contact the Communications Coordinator,

COST Action 16111 – Ethmigsurveydata: 2nd Annual Policy Dialogue Conference now available online, a two-day event on production, access, usability, and dissemination of ethnic and migrant minorities survey data. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Latest Publications from SG Members

Adamson, F. B. &Tsourapas, G.  (2020). The Migration State in the Global South: Nationalizing, Developmental, and Neoliberal Models of Migration Management. International Migration Review.  

Auer, D., &Fossati, F. (2020). Compensation or Competition: Bias in Immigrants’ Access to Active Labour Market Measures. Social Policy and Administration 54: 390–409.

Bender, F. (2020).Refugees: The Politically Oppressed. Philosophy & Social Criticism.   

Bender, F. (2020). Enfranchising the disenfranchised: Should refugees receive political rights in liberal democracies?Citizenship Studies.

Crawfurd, L. (2020). Contact and Commitment to Development: Evidence from Quasi‐Random Missionary Assignments. Kyklos.

Czymara, C.S. (2020). Attitudes toward Refugees in Contemporary Europe: A Longitudinal Perspective on Cross-National Differences. Social Forces.

Dagi, D. (2020). The EU–Turkey Migration Deal: Performance and Prospects. European Foreign Affairs Review 25(2): 197–216.

Drazanova, L. (2020). Introducing the Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization (HIEF) Dataset: Accounting for Longitudinal Changes in Ethnic Diversity. Journal of Open Humanities Data 6(1): 6.

Durrell, J. (2020). Transnational Organizations, Accessibility, and the Next Generation. Latin American Perspectives 47(3): 168–185.

Fossati, F., Liechti, F. &Auer, D. (2020). Can signaling assimilation mitigate hiring discrimination? Evidence from a survey experiment. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65.

Kindström Dahlin M., Larsson O.L., &Winell A. (Eds.) (2020). Religion, Migration, and Existential Wellbeing. Routledge.      

Manatschal A., Wisthaler V., &Zuber C.I. (2020). Making regional citizens? The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America. Regional Studies.  

McGee, T. (2020). ‘Rainbow Statelessness’ — Between Sexual Citizenship and Legal Theory: Exploring the Statelessness–LGBTIQ+ Nexus. Statelessness and Citizenship Review 2(1).

Müller, T. (2020). Reconsidering the spatiality of religion and the state: Relationality and the mosque not built. In Julia Martínez-Ariño (Ed) Governing religion in cities: Critical perspectives. London: Routledge, 111–127.       

Müller, T. (2020). Secularisation theory and its discontents. Recapturing decolonial and gendered narratives. Social Compass 67(2): 315–322.

Norocel, O.C., Hellström A., &BakJørgensen M. (Eds). (2020). Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Migration in Europe. Cham: Springer Nature.      

Paquet, M., &Xhardez, C. (2020). Immigrant integration policies when regions decide ‘who comes in’: The case of Canadian provinces. Regional Studies.

Pecoraro, M., &Ruedin, D. (2020). Occupational Exposure to Foreigners and Attitudes towards Equal Opportunities. Migration Studies 8(3):382–423.

Perna, R. (2020). Granting rights through illegalisation: EU citizens’ contested entitlements, actors’ logics and policy inconsistency in Belgium. Citizenship Studies.

Schmidt-Catran, A. W. &Czymara, C. S. (2020). Did You Read About Berlin? Terrorist Attacks, Online Media Reporting and Support for Refugees in Germany. Soziale Welt 71 (2–3): 305–337.

Sipinen, J., Söderlund, P. &Bäck, M. (2020). The relevance of contextual generalised trust in explaining individual immigration sentiments. European Societies, 22 (4): 456–479.

Surova, S. (2020). Identity from a conceptual and empirical perspective: A case study of the multiply identifications of Slovak diaspora living in Serbia. Diaspora Studies 13(2): 189–212.

Ulceluse, M. (2020). Local government responses to emigration: The case of Bosanci, Romania. Migration Policy Practice 3, July–August 2020.

Xhardez, C., &Paquet, M. (2020). Beyond the Usual Suspects and Towards Politicisation: Immigration in Quebec’s Party Manifestos, 1991–2018. Journal of International Migration and Integration.         

Zufferey, J., Steiner, I. &Ruedin, D. (2020). The many forms of multiple migrations: Evidence from a sequence analysis in Switzerland, 1998 to 2008. International Migration Review.          

Other publications

Finn, Victoria, & Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero. (2020). Inclusive language for exclusive migration policy outcomes. Migration Mobilities Bristol- Latin America.

Finn, Victoria, & Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero. (2020).  Chile es parte de la ola regional de restricción a la inmigración. CIPER Académico.

Yaşar, Zozan & Thomas McGee. (2020). Mixed-faith families at risk in Iraq: ‘Rejected by the Muslims and by the Yezidis’. Humanitarian Practice Network.

Click here for previous publications of SG members.

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