

Organized Crime and Covid-19 Martina Bedetti The effects of health emergency on day to day life Following the health emergency, the Italian government has gradually imposed severe measures to contain the spread of Covid-19. In the end of February authorities placed few towns in the Lodi area on lockdown while in early March these measures COVID-19 BLOG


Corona and Sweden Carina GunnarsonInstitute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden The news reports from Italy, France and the rest of the world have been unrelenting throughout the month of March. Swedes have waited with increasing trepidation for “the big wave”, which is now said to have arrived. On March 29, it was reported that the COVID-19 BLOG


“It was just a flu”, they said? Deborah Alimi European Centre for Sociology and Political Science, University Paris I It is just a flu, they say. We are learning the hard way, it is not. Like exiled at home, when enough fortunate not infected, the world has entered a parallel movie-like era that tests most COVID-19 BLOG


Online learning experts: More than 15 minutes of fame? How the corona-pandemic elevates online learning experts from obscurity into the spotlight Alexandra Mihai We are living in extraordinary times. Most of us are by now stuck at home, for an indefinite period of time, trying our best to be productive while coping with an inevitable COVID-19 BLOG