

CfP PANEL “THE MIGRATION-WELFARE NEXUS IN EUROPEAN WELFARE STATES: ACTORS, FRAMES AND POSITIONS”- 2020 ECPR GENERAL CONFERENCE INNSBRUCK Panel chairs: Eloisa Harris- BIGSSS/University of Bremen (eharris@bigsss.uni-bremen.de) and Stefan Wallaschek- University of Hildesheim (wallaschek@uni-hildesheim.de) Panel to be submitted to Section 35- International Migration Policies and Politics: Current Challenges and Opportunities Panel abstract: Migration affects the welfare CfP PANEL “THE MIGRATION-WELFARE NEXUS IN EUROPEAN WELFARE STATES: ACTORS, FRAMES AND POSITIONS”- 2020 ECPR GENERAL CONFERENCE INNSBRUCK


CfP PANEL “MIGRATION, CULTURAL DIVERSITY, AND POLITICS”- 2020 ECPR GENERAL CONFERENCE INNSBRUCK Panel Chair: Marco Martiniello- Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, University of Liege (M.Martiniello@uliege.be) Panel to be submitted to Section 35- International Migration Policies and Politics: Current Challenges and Opportunities Panel abstract: In a context of increasing mobility worldwide, cultural diversity has gained CfP PANEL “MIGRATION, CULTURAL DIVERSITY, AND POLITICS”- 2020 ECPR GENERAL CONFERENCE INNSBRUCK

Call for Panels and Papers- Section on International Migration for the 2020 ECPR General Conference in Innsbruck

Call for Panels and Papers: Section “International Migration Policies and Politics: Current Challenges and Opportunities”– 2020 ECPR General Conference in Innsbruck Section chairs: Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou Deadline to submit panel and paper proposals: 19th of February 2020. Abstract: In a context of increasing intensification and diversification of migration processes worldwide, the topics of Call for Panels and Papers- Section on International Migration for the 2020 ECPR General Conference in Innsbruck

Elections ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity: become a member of the Steering Committee

Dear members of ECPR SG Migration and Ethnicity, Our Standing Group is renewing its Steering Committee. Therefore, we are calling for self-nominations for new members of the Committee to be elected and serve a three-year term. There are five vacant seats for the Steering Committee. If you wish to become a candidate, please send us Elections ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity: become a member of the Steering Committee

Minutes SG Business Meeting- ECPR Wroclaw

BUSINESS MEETING- ECPR STANDING GROUP ON MIGRATION AND ETHNICITY ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, 6th of September 2019 Chairs: Daniela Vintila & Filippo Dionigi Welcome & agenda approval Recent SG activities: SG endorsement for 2019 JS (Mons)– Workshop WS13 “Migrants’ access to welfare in times of crisis: policy transformations and migrants’ experiences in the EU” coordinated Minutes SG Business Meeting- ECPR Wroclaw

AAG 2020 Denver- CfP Session Urban Geographies of Refugee Youth: Public Space, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Practices

AAG 2020 Call for Papers-Denver, CO, April 6-10, 2020 Session Title: Urban Geographies of Refugee Youth: Public Space, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Practices Session Organisers: Robin Finlay, Newcastle University, UK Ilse van Liempt, Utrecht University, Netherlands Kathrin Hörschelmann, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig, Germany Mattias De Backer, Université de Liège, Belgium Refugee youth often find themselves AAG 2020 Denver- CfP Session Urban Geographies of Refugee Youth: Public Space, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Practices

Panels requiring discussants- Section on International Migration, 2019 ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw (Poland)

If you are attending the ECPR General Conference in Wrocław and would like to act as a Panel Discussant for our Section on International Migration from a Comparative Perspective, the Panels listed below currently have positions available: S26- P020 – Assessing the determinants and consequences of immigrant integration policies and practices- https://ecpr.eu/Events/PanelDetails.aspx?PanelID=8884&EventID=123 S26- P053- Citizenship regimes Panels requiring discussants- Section on International Migration, 2019 ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw (Poland)

Only few days left to submit your paper proposals for the Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes”- 2019 ECPR General Conference

Only few days left to submit your paper proposals for the Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes” endorsed by our Standing Group for the 2019 ECPR General Conference: https://ecpr.eu/Events/SectionDetails.aspx?SectionID=836&EventID=123 The Section is coordinated by Daniela Vintila (Daniela.Vintila@uliege.be) and Gerasimos Tsourapas (g.tsourapas@bham.ac.uk). It includes 8 panels: Panel 1: Migration, Foreign Policy, Only few days left to submit your paper proposals for the Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes”- 2019 ECPR General Conference

Call for Papers: Panel “International Migration Governance”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

Call for Papers: Panel “International Migration Governance”, 2019 ECPR General Conference https://ecpr.eu/Events/SectionDetails.aspx?SectionID=836&EventID=123 Panel chair: Filippo Dionigi (University of Bristol) Panel abstract: The United Nations Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular migration was signed in December 2018. Together with the Compact on Refugees, it is the first document on migration governance with a large international Call for Papers: Panel “International Migration Governance”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

Call for Papers: Panel “How to Measure Migration Policies? Bridging Different Methodological Approaches”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

Call for Papers: Panel “How to Measure Migration Policies? Bridging Different Methodological Approaches”, 2019 ECPR General Conference https://ecpr.eu/Events/SectionDetails.aspx?SectionID=836&EventID=123 Panel chair: Luicy Pedroza (GIGA Hamburg) Panel abstract: The academic scholarship has made significant efforts to analyze mobility via measurable indicators. Consequently, scholars have proposed different indexes allowing for a better evaluation of integration policies, enfranchisement policies, Call for Papers: Panel “How to Measure Migration Policies? Bridging Different Methodological Approaches”, 2019 ECPR General Conference