Call for Papers

CfP Panel “Migration and electoral politics in Europe and beyond”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

ECPR General Conference, University of Wroclaw (Poland), 4-7 September 2019 Call for Papers- Panel “Migration and electoral politics in Europe and beyond” Panel chair: Daniela Vintila (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies- CEDEM, University of Liege) Panel abstract: This panel discusses the evolution of policies and practices of immigrant political engagement over time and across CfP Panel “Migration and electoral politics in Europe and beyond”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

CfP Panel “International mobility and Social Protection in Europe”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

Section: 26- International Migration from a Comparative Perspective: Policies, Practices, and Outcomes Panel: International Mobility and Social Protection in Europe Chair: Angeliki Konstantinidou- SciencesPo Paris & University of Liege ( Co-chair: Roberta Perna- University of Torino ( Panel abstract: Social protection policies are the safety net of individuals against all those perils that can put CfP Panel “International mobility and Social Protection in Europe”, 2019 ECPR General Conference

CfP 2019 ECPR Conference- SG Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes”

Dear Members of the ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity, We are happy to announce that the Section proposal “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes” endorsed by our Standing Group for the next ECPR General Conference has been accepted: The Section is coordinated by Daniela Vintila ( and Gerasimos Tsourapas CfP 2019 ECPR Conference- SG Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices, and outcomes”

Call for Panels Section on Migration and Ethnicity- 2019 ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw (Poland)

Dear Members of the ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity, The SG is now accepting panel proposals for the 2019 ECPR General Conference to be held at the University of Wrocław, Poland. If the proposals will be sufficiently homogenous, these will be grouped together to form a SG Section Proposal for this conference. Panel proposals Call for Panels Section on Migration and Ethnicity- 2019 ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw (Poland)

Call for contributions: ECPR SG Migration and Ethnicity June 2018 Newsletter

Dear SG Members, The time as come once again to ask you to contribute to our forthcoming newsletter, which will be released around mid-June and will include also updates on the forthcoming General Conference in Hamburg where we look forward to seeing you! Our newsletter is received by more than 250 scholars all over the Call for contributions: ECPR SG Migration and Ethnicity June 2018 Newsletter

CfP Panel “Party Strategies in the Political Representation of Immigrant Minorities”- 2018 ECPR General Conference

Panel title: “Party Strategies in the Political Representation of Immigrant Minorities” Panel chair: Dr. Santiago Pérez-Nievas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ) Panel co-chair: Dr. Guillermo Cordero (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ) Panel description: The political representation of immigrant minorities has attracted increasing academic and political interest over the last few years. This panel CfP Panel “Party Strategies in the Political Representation of Immigrant Minorities”- 2018 ECPR General Conference


1ST SUMMER SCHOOL OF THE ECPR STANDING GROUP ON EXTREMISM & DEMOCRACY ON ‘CONCEPTS AND METHODS FOR RESEARCH ON FAR-RIGHT POLITICS’ Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, 25-29 June 2018 The ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy, the Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX), and the Centre on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS) invite applications for the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 1ST SUMMER SCHOOL ON ‘CONCEPTS AND METHODS FOR RESEARCH ON FAR-RIGHT POLITICS’

CfP Panel “It’s a new day, it’s a new life…” – national identity from the perspective of naturalized citizens- 2018 ECPR General Conference

PANEL TITLE “It’s a new day, it’s a new life…” – national identity from the perspective of naturalized citizens. Panel chair: Dr Isabel Estrada Carvalhais (Centre of Research in Political Science, CICP, University of Minho, Panel co-chair: Dr Catarina Reis Oliveira (High Commission for Migrations, Observatório das Migrações,   Panel description: The panel wishes to CfP Panel “It’s a new day, it’s a new life…” – national identity from the perspective of naturalized citizens- 2018 ECPR General Conference

CfP Panel “Comparing Dynamics and Strategies of Transnational Diaspora Politics in Conflict Settings”- 2018 ECPR General Conference

Panel: Comparing Dynamics and Strategies of Transnational Diaspora Politics in Conflict Settings ECPR General Conference, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018 Call for Papers Diasporas in conflict create and transform spaces of transnational politics. Migrants and refugees fleeing conflicts can transform the political environment of their homelands, in some cases contributing to social change and CfP Panel “Comparing Dynamics and Strategies of Transnational Diaspora Politics in Conflict Settings”- 2018 ECPR General Conference

CfP Panel “Revisiting the Link between Migration and Social Protection in Europe”- 2018 ECPR General Conference

Panel title: “Revisiting the Link between Migration and Social Protection in Europe: Policy Transformations and Migrants’ Experiences” Panel chair: Dr Jean-Michel Lafleur (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, CEDEM, University of Liege, Panel co-chair: Dr Daniela Vintila (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, CEDEM, University of Liege, Panel description: This panel aims to CfP Panel “Revisiting the Link between Migration and Social Protection in Europe”- 2018 ECPR General Conference