Expand your networks with the ECPR

Standing Groups and Research Networks are ‘satellite’ groups of the ECPR, each covering a particular sub-field of political science.

There are currently nearly 50 Standing Groups and Research Networks, all providing dedicated networks for scholars in a given field. Many organise Sections or Workshops at ECPR events; some have their own conferences, summer schools or publications; all provide excellent international networking opportunities.

Have a look at the current list to find your field/s of interest: http://www.ecpr.eu/StandingGroups/StandingGroupsList.aspx

Membership is open to all and it is now easier than ever to join.

From this month membership all Standing Groups and Research Networks will be managed through the ECPR website. To join a group is now as easy as clicking a button – all you need is a MyECPR account. And if you don’t have an account, that only takes minutes to create. ECPR members will have their membership application automatically approved; non-members will have theirs confirmed by the Standing Group Convenor/s.

Join now to start expanding your horizons…