The 2021 Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union will now be held online from 10–12 June 2021, with the physical event at the Luiss University in Rome scheduled for 2022.
The virtual edition of the Conference will provide an engaging platform for researchers from various backgrounds – political science, history, sociology, law, anthropology, philosophy, geography, economics – to present and discuss cutting-edge research focused on the pressing questions of European integration.
All accepted Sections, Panels and Papers for the postponed 2020 event will be carried over to the virtual Conference. The programme is curated by Virginie Guiraudon as an Academic Convenor, together with the SGEU Steering Committee.
If you had an accepted paper, the ECPR will contact you by email with further details on how to take part in the virtual Conference.
A brand-new call for Panels and Papers for a COVID-themed Section, you can propose a paper here :